During the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a significant increase in the consumption of dietary supplements in Poland. Forecasts indicate that the value of this market may reach PLN 6,5 billion by the end of the year, which is more than a double increase compared to the previous year. Mainly, consumers decide to purchase supplements that strengthen immunity and vitamin D.
The COVID-19 pandemic has had an unexpected impact on many aspects of our lives, including the way we take care of our health. Among the many observed changes, interest in dietary supplements has significantly increased. Whether it is due to the search for natural ways to strengthen immunity or greater awareness of the importance of vitamins and minerals, Europeans are increasingly willing to take supplements.
Popularity of supplements in Europe Research conducted by Ipsos shows a clear trend: almost every European has reached for a drink at some point in their life. dietary supplements. What's more, most of them have used them in the last year. Vitamins D and C and magnesium predominate, and enjoy the greatest trust among consumers.
Trust in experts In the age of the Internet and access to infinite sources of information, the credibility of recommendations is particularly important. Europeans most trust the advice of healthcare professionals when it comes to supplementation, which highlights the role of experts in educating people about a healthy lifestyle.
Main sources of information about dietary supplements New research sheds light on where Europeans look for information about dietary supplements. The latest data shows that 40% of respondents indicated doctors and dietitians as their main source of knowledge. Pharmacists (31%) and internet searches (25%) are also considered valuable sources of information, while family and friends (21%) and product labels (10%) are considered less important.
The most frequently chosen dietary supplements Analysis of preferences among dietary supplements showed that vitamin D (46%) and vitamin C (36%) dominate the choices of Europeans in the last 12 months. Magnesium is also popular (29%), and multi-vitamin and mineral supplements (19%) are equally common. This shows that supplements supporting immunity and health have a significant role in people's daily diets.
Summation The increased interest in dietary supplements in Europe is one of the positive effects of the pandemic. Conscious use of supplementation, based on solid knowledge and recommendations of experts, can be a valuable element of everyday health care.
For those who want to delve deeper into the topic, I recommend reading the full report Ipsos on their website.